Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kick off of Summer

Right up front at the Bats game!
So summer is officially here, for me at least. Caleb is still working and taking 2 more summer classes, but we still find time to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather!

One of our favorite activities is going to Bat's games! We bought a package of 10 games this year and so far we have had great seats almost every game. Unfortunately they don't win very often ;-)

I am also using summer break as an opportunity to practice my cooking. I love being in the kitchen, and I have been experimenting a bit. One of our favorite experiments is homemade biscuits and brown sugar molasses! This is my grandmothers recipe and I am trying hard to perfect it, so far it tastes yummy but I am having trouble getting my biscuits to rise, so I would love any advice on this!

Rolling and cutting out biscuits like my grandma 

Biscuits before they go in the oven

Homemade Biscuits and Brown Sugar Molasses
So this is our summer so far, but there will be many more adventures to come. Including moving, vacation, our first anniversary, and finding out if we are having a boy or a girl! Happy summer!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Well, now that we are starting a family I thought it might be a good idea to start a blog. Preschool is officially out and summer break has started. I am still working a couple days here and there, but I am really looking forward to some time at home. Caleb is still going to school through June, so his classes are keeping him very busy! We are really looking forward to some time together in July, then in August it's back to work and school until Baby Fox is born!

Now for more about the Baby. As of right now we are about 10 weeks along, and baby Fox is due to arrive around December 16th (But I am hoping for 12/12/2012 because that would be really cool). We had our first ultra sound at 7 weeks and we were able to see the baby's heartbeat, arms, legs, and the start of eyes. In 1 more week we will have the 2nd appointment and I am really hoping to hear the baby's heartbeat! I will post more as we learn more!